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Slovakia's parliament recognizes Russia as state sponsor of terrorism

The Insider

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The National Council of Slovakia (Parliament of the Slovak Republic) has recognized Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and the Russian regime as a terrorist one, according to the Parliament’s website.

The MPs condemned Russian aggression in Ukraine and expressed support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Additionally, the MPs condemned Russia’s direct and indirect threats to use nuclear weapons.

In addition, the Slovakian parliament’s resolution does not recognize the results of the “referendums” held in the so-called LNR and DNR, as well as in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine. “Those territories remain part of Ukraine,” the document says. The Slovak Republic will support efforts to set up a special tribunal to prosecute Russians for war crimes.

In December, Poland's Sejm recognized Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The resolution passed by the Sejm states that Russia “has invaded the territories of other countries and committed armed attacks, war crimes and genocide”.

A similar decision was passed by the Czech parliament in November.