The Anti-Corruption Foundation, an investigative non-profit founded by Alexei Navalny, has revealed the family of Boris Obnosov, head of the Russian Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV), a major Russian weapons manufacturer, as the owners of luxury real estate in the Czech Republic worth over €8 million (approximately $8.8 million).
As the investigators found out, Obnosov's son-in-law, Rostislav Zorikov, owns a four-story home in Prague's Žižkov district worth close to €8 million (approximately $8.7 million). The mansion is registered in the name of the companies Alterra and Riomax. Aside from the property in Žižkov, Zorikov has another home – a 140-square-meter penthouse in Prague worth €1.1 million ($1.2 million). A plaque with the names of Zorikov and his wife, Olga, hangs on the front door of the house.
Zorikov's father Andrei owns a 73-square-meter apartment in the same complex. Aside from the €1.1 million penthouse and the €8 million four-story home, Rostislav Zorikov and his younger brother Daniil own two other apartments in Prague.
The ACF noted that Rostislav Zorikov officially receives 37,000 roubles ($490) a month, but is nonetheless fond of collecting expensive cars. In particular, he owns a Jaguar F-PACE SUV, a Lamborghini Aventador, a Rolls-Royce Phantom and a custom armored Toyota.
The Anti-Corruption Foundation’s chairwoman Maria Pevchikh has said that the foundation will demand the imposition of sanctions against Boris Obnosov and Zorikov and a ban on them entering the Czech Republic.
The Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV), headquartered in Korolyov in the Moscow region, is a defense manufacturer wholly owned by the Russian government. The company specializes in the production of missiles, such as the hypersonic Vympel R-37 air-to-air missile, and the Kh-31 air-to-surface missile, both of which have been used throughout Russia's invasion of Ukraine.