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Russian cannibal who got out of jail by signing army contract is back home recovering from injuries sustained in Ukraine

The Insider

Russian national Dmitry Malyshev, who was convicted of murder and cannibalism, has returned to his native village of Rakhinka in the Volgograd Region after participating in the war in Ukraine. His arrival home was reported by the village head, Fedor Kadovba. In 2015, Malyshev was sentenced to 25 years in a penal colony for a range of crimes: cannibalism, the brutal murder of two people as part of a criminal group, banditry, theft and illegal trafficking of weapons, plotting the murder of police officers, and armed robbery.

Malyshev's involvement in these crimes came to light after he was arrested for the murder of a Tajik national whose heart he had cut out, roasted with vegetables, and eaten. Malyshev documented his cannibalistic activities on video. According to his sentence, Malyshev was to remain in prison until 2040. However, in October 2023, he signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense and went to the war in Ukraine.

“He is on injury leave,” Kadovba says. “He had another injury leave earlier this year but returned to the front. I spoke to him recently. He's got jaw problems and shrapnel in his arm. He’s recovering. I saw him at the store the day before yesterday. We said hello. As he told me, once he’s better, he’ll go back to the SVO [special military operation] zone.”

While at the front, Malyshev published photos with another killer, Alexander Maslennikov from Volzhsky, who murdered and dismembered two girls. Both served in the Storm Z assault forces.