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Navalny claims terrorism charges leveled against him in criminal investigation

The Insider

Alexei Navalny said during a hearing in Moscow's Basmanny Court that a criminal case on terrorism was opened against him, separate from the extremism case in which the politician faces 30 years in prison. A TASS correspondent quoted him as saying:

“The investigator informed me that a separate case on terrorism had been opened against me that would be tried by a military court.”

Republic provides a fuller quote where Navalny claims he could face life in prison:

“They brought absurd charges, under which I am facing 30 years in prison. Investigator Vidyukov said yesterday that a separate terrorist case had been spilt off from this case, that I was committing terrorist acts while in prison. And in this case, I will be tried separately by a military court. I may face 30 years in this case and probably life in the next one.

On April 26, the Basmanny Court is considering a motion by the investigators to limit the time allowed for Navalny's familiarization with the materials of his extremism case. The court closed the hearing following the motion of the Investigative Committee's representative allegedly to preserve the “secrecy of the investigation”.

Earlier, Navalny was placed in a punitive confinement cell (ShIZO) for the fourteenth time. He was sent there immediately after spending 15 days in the same cell.