The latest SlovoNovo forum of Russian language and culture, which took place in Montenegro, hosted a display of the artist and cartoonist Andrey Bilzho’s newest cycle: Azbuka 2022 (The 2022 Alphabet), a manifest against the war and tyranny that spells out today's harsh reality – letter by letter. The Insider presents the first of its three installments.
А [a] Azbuka. Alphabet
Б [be] Beloye. White
Б2 [be] Bokh. God
В [ve] Vera. Faith
В 2 [ve] Voina. War
Г [ge] Golub Russkogo Mira. The Dove of Russian Peace
Д [de] Diavolskaya Dobrota. A Devilish Kindness
Д 2 [de] Depressiya. Depression
Е [ye yo] VosklitsaniyE. Exclamation. “Moscow, Kremlin, President”
Ж [zhe] Zhalost, Zhestokost. Pity, Cruelty
Ж 2 [zhe] Zhizn. Life
З [ze] Zachem? Why?
И [i] Iisus. Jesus. “Where have you been for 1989 years?”
А [a] Azbuka. Alphabet

Б [be] Beloye. White

Б2 [be] Bokh. God

В [ve] Vera. Faith

В 2 [ve] Voina. War

Г [ge] Golub Russkogo Mira. The Dove of Russian Peace

Д [de] Diavolskaya Dobrota. A Devilish Kindness

Д 2 [de] Depressiya. Depression

Е [ye yo] VosklitsaniyE. Exclamation. “Moscow, Kremlin, President”

Ж [zhe] Zhalost, Zhestokost. Pity, Cruelty

Ж 2 [zhe] Zhizn. Life

З [ze] Zachem? Why?

И [i] Iisus. Jesus. “Where have you been for 1989 years?”

To be continued.