At a plenary session of the Russian State Duma on July 18, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko urged women to give birth as early as possible instead of getting an education and pursuing a career, labeling the latter an “improper practice.”
Murashko said:
“A belief has been formed that a woman should first get an education, build a career, and then only concern herself with childbearing. Then many problems arise. A woman should realize that the sooner she gives birth, the better.”
According to Murashko, this should be explained to girls “from the school bench.” Similar propaganda should be spread among young women on Gosuslugi, Russia’s government services portal, the minister added.
The minister believes that postponing childbirth is a “improper practice” that allegedly causes infertility and non-pregnancy. Therefore, Murashko thinks it is important to tell women that the earlier they give birth, “the better for [their] health, for the health of their children and career, ultimately.”
Murashko earlier proposed restricting the sale of abortion-inducing drugs in Russia's pharmacies by the end of the current year, and monitoring their distribution at a government level.