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Russia’s State Duma examining issue of seizing emigres’ assets

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“Work has already begun” towards policies that will potentially legalize asset seizures against Russians who left the country, announced State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

According to Volodin, the “pests” who left Russia should be held responsible for their actions:

“When they say asset seizures are excessive, we’re talking about scoundrels who broke the law, those who caused harm [to Russia]. And they should be held accountable for that. Generally, other punishments don't reach them, maybe [they] don't even react to them, because they have the income, the country feeds them. But here, perhaps [it is] necessary to consider such an approach, we’re now examining it, work in this direction has begun,” Volodin said.

Volodin added that amendments legalizing asset seizures should be aimed not only at stopping “scoundrels,” but also to “protect the memory of those who sacrificed their lives defending our homeland.”

The issue of confiscating the property of emigres who condemn the war in Ukraine has been in discussion for several weeks, with multiple officials and pro-government public figures backing the initiative.

A recent piece by The Insider discussed whether this threat should be taken seriously and whether the authorities can find another loophole to circumvent Russia’s Constitution in the foreseeable future.

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